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Survey questionnaire examples - template directory

Are you wondering how to get started on a survey and need a little guidance on the right questions to use? Use SurveyMonkey’s pre-built survey templates and you can be ready to collect data in minutes. You can also use the sample questions as ideas for your own questions.

All survey template questions are methodologist certified and can be customized to fit your survey needs.

360 degree FeedbackAirline Passenger Feedback
Mobile Apps surveyAutomobile Buyer Feedback
Automobile Information TemplateBefore They Were Famous Survey
Blogging FeedbackBrand Awareness Survey
Business to Business SurveyBusiness Travel Form
Cable & Satellite FeedbackCAHPS Survey Template
CAHPS Dental Plan SurveyCAHPS Health Plan Survey 4.0
CAHPS Visit SurveyCelebrity Endorsements Form
Child Behaviors SurveyChild Email Usage Survey
Child Facebook Usage SurveyChild Internet Usage Survey
Child Myspace Usage SurveyChild Online Behavior Survey
Commuting SurveyCorporate Social Media Survey
Customer Comments FeebdackCustomer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Service FeedbackCustomer Support Feedback
Department Performance PollDiet & Exercise Survey
Do You Have Health Insurance?Donor Feedback
DVD Rental FeedbackEducation Demographics Survey
Employee Benefits SurveyEmployee Exit Survey
Employee Performance Review TemplateEmployee Satisfaction Survey
Employment FeedbackEndurance Event Feedback
Entertainment Event FeedbackEnvironmental Issues Poll
Event Planning QuestionnaireFacebook Profile Questionnaire
Facebook Survey TemplateFavorite Celebrities Poll
Favorite Social Network SurveyFirmographics Survey
Fundraising FeedbackGeneral Event Feedback
General Internet UsageHair Care Products Feedback
Pre K-12 Parent Survey TemplateHCAHPS Survey Template
Health Insurance EvaluationHealthcare Expenses Feedback
Height & Weight SurveyHigh School Sports – Student Feedback
Home Buyer FeedbackHospital Performance Evaluation
Hotel FeedbackHousehold Budget Poll
Insurance Agent EvaluationInsurance Customer Feedback
Insurance Expenses FeedbackInternet Relationships Poll
K-12 Parent Survey TemplateK-12 Teacher Feedback
Landline Phone FeedbackLanguage Proficiency Questionnaire
Learning Support FeedbackMakeup Products Feedback
Management PerformanceMarket Research – Product Feedback
Market Research – Service FeedbackMarket Research Template
Media Usage SurveyMovie and TV Viewing Habit Surveys
Movie Viewing SurveyMusic Listening Survey
Name that Novel QuestionnaireNeighborhood Events Survey
Neighborhood FeedbackNet Promoter Score Questionnaire Template
Non-profit Organization Information TemplateNPS and Brand Loyalty Survey
Dating SurveyEmployee Recruitment Template
Fashion Community SurveyFriendships Survey
Interest Sharing PollMusic Streaming Poll
Photo Sharing PollProfessional Networking Survey
Shopping Attitudes SurveyOnline Social Networking Survey
Online Storage SurveyOnline Video Viewing Survey
Parent Engagement SurveyParent Roles and Responsibilities Survey
Parent Self-Efficacy SurveyParental Support Survey
Past and Predicted Donations SurveyPersonal Hygiene Questionnaire
Pet Care Expenses FeedbackPet Training Survey
Physician Performance EvaluationPinterest Survey
Post-event FeedbackProfessional Event Feedback
Race & Hispanic Origin QuestionnaireReal Estate Agent Evaluation
Recruitment Satisfaction SurveyRetail Customer Feedback
RSVP and Contact Information FormSchool Climate Survey
School Program Fit QuestionnaireSHRM Employee Engagement Template
Skin Care Products FeedbackSmoking Survey
Social Support SurveySoftware Evaluation
Supervisor Performance EvaluationTarget Market Analysis Questionnaire
Target Market Demographics QuestionnaireTeam Performance Survey
TV Viewing SurveyTwitter Survey
Typical Customer Analysis SurveyTypical Customer Demographics Survey
U.S. Demographics – Snapshot PollU.S. Demographics Poll
U.S. Government Support Programs FeedbackU.S. Military Service Survey
U.S. Political Identification QuestionnaireU.S. Political Knowledge Questionnaire
U.S. Political News & Information PollU.S. Presidential Approval – Snapshot Poll
U.S. Presidential Approval PollU.S. Voter Registration Survey
U.S. Voting History SurveyUniversity Faculty Satisfaction Survey
University Instructor EvaluationUniversity Student Graduation Form
University Student Satisfaction SurveyUniversity Teaching Assistant Evaluation
Vacation Travel FeedbackVeterinarian Office Staff Evaluation
Veterinarian Patient Intake – Long FormVeterinarian Patient Intake – Short Form
Veterinarian Performance EvaluationVoice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Survey
Volunteer FeedbackWebsite Feedback
Which Politician Said…You in 12 Months Questionnaire
Una mujer pelirroja crea una encuesta en una computadora portátil

Bulunduğunuz rolde ya da sektörde geribildirimden yararlanmanıza yardımcı olmak üzere tasarlanan araç takımlarımızı keşfedin.

Un hombre y una mujer miran un artículo en su computadora portátil y escriben información en notas adhesivas

Uzmanlarca hazırlanan 400'den fazla özelleştirilebilir anket şablonunu keşfedin. SurveyMonkey ile ilgili çekici anketleri hızla oluşturun ve gönderin.

Un hombre con lentes sonríe y usa una computadora portátil

İşten çıkış görüşmesi anketlerinizle çalışan kaybını azaltın. Hemen bugün çalışan formu oluşturma araçlarımızı ve şablonlarımızı kullanmaya başlayın.

Una mujer revisa información en su computadora portátil

Özel bir onay formu ile ihtiyacınız olan izinleri alın. Hemen ücretsiz kaydolun ve onay formu şablonlarımızla formlar oluşturun.